Celestial Movies HD
Showing the latest films and blockbusters from Hong Kong, Taiwan and across Asia with English and Chinese subtitles. CELESTIAL MOVIES HD offers the latest blockbuster movies from Hong Kong, China, and Taiwan and other hit Asian films exclusively, 24 hours a day, in high definition. Watch your favorite Chinese and Asian movies in wide-screen format with the best sound and picture quality from the comfort of your home. Celestial Movies HD also brings you fascinating behind-the-scenes programs and the latest entertainment news. 天映频道 HD 天映频道 HD 每日24小时,以高清格式独家播放香港、中国及台湾的首轮卖座电影,以及其他亚洲最新佳作。观众只要安坐家中,即可以完美视听效果欣赏挚爱的华语及亚洲电影。天映频道HD亦为观众搜罗有趣的电影幕后花絮及最新娱乐新闻。 This channel is also available on FAMILY PACK - more value, more savings, more NJOI-ment with 46 channels as low as RM1/day! Get it now!
Celestial Movies HD
Showing the latest films and blockbusters from Hong Kong, Taiwan and across Asia with English and Chinese subtitles. CELESTIAL MOVIES HD offers the latest blockbuster movies from Hong Kong, China, and Taiwan and other hit Asian films exclusively, 24 hours a day, in high definition. Watch your favorite Chinese and Asian movies in wide-screen format with the best sound and picture quality from the comfort of your home. Celestial Movies HD also brings you fascinating behind-the-scenes programs and the latest entertainment news. 天映频道 HD 天映频道 HD 每日24小时,以高清格式独家播放香港、中国及台湾的首轮卖座电影,以及其他亚洲最新佳作。观众只要安坐家中,即可以完美视听效果欣赏挚爱的华语及亚洲电影。天映频道HD亦为观众搜罗有趣的电影幕后花絮及最新娱乐新闻。 This channel is also available on FAMILY PACK - more value, more savings, more NJOI-ment with 46 channels as low as RM1/day! Get it now!